RYA Yachtmaster Coastal / Offshore (Motor)

RYA Yachtmaster Coastal / Offshore (Motor) - Practical Course
An RYA Yachtmaster certificate of competency is a globally recognized and respected qualification that proves your experience and competence as a skipper. It allows you to work as a skipper on commercial boats up to 200gt.
The Yachtmaster certificate is obtained through a practical exam involving maneuvers and various exercises that will serve to demonstrate your skill and confidence as a skipper.
We will help you prepare for the exam by analyzing your strengths and weaknesses, which we will work on and practice for five days prior to the exam. The exam is conducted by an independent RYA approved expert and involves paying a separate fee to the RYA.
The syllabus and candidate prerequisites are detailed in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme and Logbook.
The Yachtmaster Offshore exam consists of a practical assessment of your skippering skills, boat handling, general nautical knowledge, navigation, safety and mastery of RIPA (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions). Candidates are given tasks to demonstrate their skills and may also be asked questions relating to any part of the syllabus.
Duration: 3 days of preparation and practice, plus 2 days of examination during which each candidate will be assessed for approximately 6 hours.
Ratio: Maximum of 5 and minimum of 4 candidates per boat.
- Minimum sailing time: 50 days, 2,500 miles including at least 5 sailings of more than 60 miles in a straight line from the port of departure to the port of destination, acting as skipper on at least two of these sailings and including at least two night sailings. 5 days of experience as skipper. At least half of these miles and voyages must have been made in tidal waters (outside the Mediterranean). All of the above must have been completed within the 10 years prior to the exam. English speaking is a requirement.
- Examination form: GMDSS restricted radio operator’s certificate or higher is required. A valid first aid certificate.
- Minimum age: 18 years old.
- Minimum sailing time: 30 days on board, 800 miles (of which at least 400 miles are outside the Mediterranean), 2 days as skipper and minimum 12 hrs of night sailing. All of the above must have been done during the 10 years prior to the exam. English speaking is a requirement.
- Examination form: GMDSS restricted radio operator certificate or higher is required. A valid first aid certificate.
- Minimum age: 17 years old.
- Mileage may be reduced to 400 if you have the RYA Coastal Skipper Practical certificate.
RYA Yachtmaster Coastal / Offshore (Motor)
- 4 days on board
- 2 days of testing
- Experienced instructors
- Official Certificate issued by the RYA