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Conversion of Yachtmaster Sail to Power

Conversion of Yachtmaster Sail to Power

If you are in possession of the Yachtmaster Sail and want to convert to Motor, you must pass a practical test on a motor boat approved by RYA.

The preparation for the exam is 1 day, and the exam lasts approximately 3 hours in the case of conversion the duration would be a little longer.

During this day we ensure to get to know the rest of the crew as you will work as a team during the exam. Also is important to get familiar with the training vessel used for the exam. Is for this reason, even if you have a lot of experience to do this training day or more if you need it. The instructor has to be sure you are ready for the exam.

The examiner will ask for tasks from the syllabus, but will focus mainly on the most differentiated sections that are taught in a motorboat, maneuvers, Passage Plan, radar, etc …

The requirements that must be met to be able to take the exam are that the miles of experience have been done in a boat with similar characteristics and during the 10 years prior to the exam.

Requirements for the Yachtmaster Coastal:

  • 400 miles
  • 12 days of life on board
  • 2 days as a pattern
  • 12 night hours.

Requirements for Yachtmaster Offshore:

  • 1250 miles
  • 25 days of life on board
  • 3 days as a pattern
  • 3 crossings of more than 60 miles including one night.

Contact us for more information or check the RYA website

Yacht Point run the courses in Barcelona.

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