Blog Post

Day Skipper

Day Skipper

We will explain what the Day Skipper course consists of and why we recommend it to everyone who has started in the world of Nautical.

The English rating of the Royal Yacht Association (RYA) of Day Skipper, is what would be an equivalent to the PER.


  • 5 days of experience prior to the course.
  • A level of PER theory.
  • Be over 16 years old.

In case we do not have these prerequisites we would have to start with the Competent Crew.

The Day Skipper Workshop consists of 5 days on board a sailboat with a maximum of 5 students, staying at least 2 nights in other ports or marinas.

During the 5 days on board, the students live on board, leave and enter different moorings in different ports, both with the role of skipper and with that of crew or sailor. We can say and assure that at the end of the course the student has acquired a knowledge that is difficult to acquire in a PER internship. ¡ Hopefully one day we’ll switch to the English nautical training system!

The instructor is the evaluator of the course, and at the end of the 5 days will decide whether or not to issue the Certificate.

What you get at the end of the course:

  • A nautical degree of international prestige
  • A high-level hands-on training experience
  • Safety and confidence in navigation.

The attributions described by the RYA are: Skipper on small yachts during the day in family waters, which translated would be: Skipper of small yachts in daytime sailing in family waters.

They don’t tell us the length or miles of the coast.

We recommend these courses to all those who want to acquire safety and experience sailing, and to those who need a qualification to be able to sail anywhere in the world and continue learning with the best Nautical Training by far.

For more information, or visit our website.

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